A simple word with so many connotations. My Master requested this post, as he often helps to think of topics to post. And since no new posts were done except for the one my Master wrote about my collar, which i absolutely love and cant wait to have it permanently around my neck, due to a busy weekend, this is my topic for today.
One of the few rules i will have when i am there is to remain naked in the house with nothing on but my collar and cuffs. To always be accessible to him when he so desires it. And even when he is at work, unless i am sent out on an errand or need to go outside the home to take care of something, i will remain naked, to help me with my mindset of being his slave. There will be by the front door an appropriate robe for me to quickly throw on should someone appear at the door for whatever reason. Oh and yes when i am cooking i will be allowed an apron to protect my skin from any splatters, giggles, maybe that will be my next project to sew.(The one exception to this rule is when mother nature comes calling then i will be allowed appropriate wear for that time) There is something comforting knowing i will not be encumbered by clothing in our home. To have my body fully visible and accessible to him. I can envision my sitting there, perhaps blogging while he is at work, nude, or reading or working on some sort of craft project. Catching glimpses of myself with no fettered clothing on. There is a sense of vulnerability when knowing clothing is forbidden except for those times he allows it. Or its necessary for the demands of the world we live in. It will take some getting used to i am sure. But for me this will be a small adjustment.
This is the physical aspect of being naked and now i will delve into the mental aspect of it here.
To be naked mentally will take a bit more getting used to. And in the past i have done some nakedness for my Master to a certain degree.We agreed along time ago that sometimes i have a communication issue, due to my upbringing. That i have a funny way of getting to the subject matter i wish to discuss or an idea i wish to pass on to him. I often get embarrassed, or feel guilty for a certain idea or subject matter. So another form of nakedness for me will be to not hide anything from him, my thoughts, my dreams, my fantasies and the things in the dark recesses of my mind. He has mentioned to me that i am getting better at this, but he feels my being physically naked and nothing hidden will help with my mental nakedness. That when He asks me what i am thinking or feeling, because of the vulnerability i will be feeling without the clothes that it will be easier for me to tell him. And maybe it will be and then again maybe not. But He has a way of getting the answers out of me even if there is a little prodding. But i am thinking there will come a time when we have adjusted to being together, that we sink into what it is that we do and become more comfortable with each other and ourselves that all of this will be second nature to me.
Being naked with out clothes will help me to consider my womanhood, to know i own nothing with out his approval, to help me feel more comfortable with my body and looks, and in turn it will help with the mindset that i am his slave, i am there for his enjoyment, his pleasure and that nothing will be hidden from him ever.That my body and mind are his to mold, use and take care of at his discretion. Master owns me fully and completely, i am his woman, slut, beast and lover. And i will do what i need to to fulfill that role with him and within myself.
I really liked reading this post. It's clear to see the logic in being naked with nothing and nowhere to hide and the vulnerability this would bring. Mentally naked..... It makes sense :)
ReplyDeleteDee x
Ps: you sound very well behaved that you put me to absolute shame lol! I could probably learn a thing or two from you...... AND by having a naked 'rule' ........ :/
ReplyDeleteDee x
Thank you Dee, i am glad you like the post, as far as being well behaved, giggles, i try, but i am far from perfect. But that is humanity for you. Although my Master wishes me have absolute perfection in all i do, i am far from it. But its a nice goal to have and strive for.